Experiencing the fulfillment of our Rags to Riches creations reaching those in need is always a heartwarming moment. Recently, I had the privilege of personally delivering 35 Angel Wings kits, our reusable sanitary pads, to Ibu Robin at Bumi Sehat in Nyuh Kuning, Bali. Bumi Sehat primarily functions as a maternity clinic, but it extends its impact beyond healthcare.
They have an educational arm dedicated to teaching English, computer skills, organic gardening, music, and the arts to young individuals. These skills provide them with valuable tools for a brighter future.
Furthermore, Bumi Sehat operates a Scholarship Program that wholeheartedly supports the aspirations of many young people, with a significant focus on girls. These young women are pursuing dreams of becoming midwives, nurses, and teachers.
Our Angel Wings kits will find their way to these ambitious individuals, ensuring that they can continue their education even during menstruation. This support is vital because it offers them the sanitary protection they often lack.

Ibu Robin, the recipient of our donation, expressed her delight and extended heartfelt thanks to our incredible team of makers. Your dedication to sewing and crafting is making a real difference in the lives of these young women. So, let’s keep those sewing machines humming! Your continued hard work and support are greatly appreciated.
❤️📦🏍️ Final Delivery 🏍️📦❤️

Just a few days later, and I’m delighted to report that I successfully coordinated with Kim from Bali Street Mums to transport 35 Angel Wings©️ Kits to support their impactful cause. This venture had a distinct Balinese flavor, as we carefully balanced the kits on a scooter, with my ever-patient husband steering the way!
In the remote mountain villages of Batur and Agung, where basic necessities like water, schools, hospitals, and income are scarce, generations of mothers have resorted to taking their children to urban areas to beg for survival. For up to 12 hours a day, these children, often on their own, beg for meager coins, leaving them vulnerable to the horrors of sex trafficking.
Bali Street Mums doesn’t just provide refuge for mothers and children who’ve endured the streets; they also empower these mothers with valuable skills. These newfound abilities enable them to earn a livelihood, breaking the cycle of returning to the streets with their children in tow. Every penny of the charity’s earnings goes back to supporting these families, and the workshops are led by those who have benefited from these newfound skills. Additionally, they educate the children, equipping them with the tools to break free from this cycle of poverty.
Kim informed me that the kits we provided will be distributed to teenage girls residing in the safe houses. These kits play a vital role in preserving their access to education and safeguarding their future.
With this connection now established, I’m confident that we can continue to nurture our relationship and offer more Angel Wings Kits and children’s clothing to further aid the Bali Street Mums cause in the future. You can read more about what they do at their website.
Let’s keep those sewing machines buzzing! Once again, a heartfelt thank you for your unwavering dedication and support.
❤️ 🐝 ❤️
#EmpoweringWomen #GirlsEducation #MenstrualHygiene #RagsToRiches #Rags2Riches #ReusablePads #EducationMatters #SupportGirls #SanitaryProtection #SewingForGood #PeriodPoverty #WomenSupportingWomen #MakingADifference #SewingForChange #CommunityOutreach #InspiringChange #Gratitude